Instagram scrolling problem is the most common reported issue in Instagram app. Instagram scroll problem is frustrating for a user who is using Instagram. that’s why many people ask why cant I scroll on Instagram? We are here to answer this question and tell you every possible solution.
Instagram won’t scroll due to many reasons both technical and non technical reason. if you can’t scroll on Instagram don’t worry we are here to help you in every aspect.
Why can’t I scroll on Instagram?
Before you know how you can fix scroll on Instagram. You must know the reasons behind that problems. scroll through Instagram problems list are given below. we will discuses one by one in detail.

Internet Connection Problem
Every social app require stable internet connection. scrolling on Instagram require a high speed data connection or Wi-Fi. Instagram scrolling problem occur due to unstable or Poor speed internet connection.

Blocked Social Apps
Some educational institutes and Govt. Offices block social apps as they think that social apps cause people to not focus on their studies and work. To know weather your internet services provider block Social apps or not you must contact helpline of their ISP. scroll through Instagram photos is struck as ISP blocked the access.

Malfunction/Glitches in Instagram App
Sometime glitches in Instagram prevent you from scrolling on Instagram. Bugs and malfunctioning of the app prevent the app to fetch data from internet hence the app is struck. some people are asking why can’t I scroll reels on Instagram? The reason behind that is the Glitches and Malfunctioning of the app.

Dual App/ Clone App Issue
If you are using two Instagram app by any clone tool or Dual App than these two apps on the same phone also cause the Instagram scroll problem. Two apps on same phone cause problem in fetching the data from internet.
Outdated Instagram App
if the Instagram app is outdated than the connection between your app and Instagram server may not be established hence it will cause the scrolling Instagram problem. obsolete apps also have security loop holes which will cause the problem. Instagram can’t scroll through reels is also a reported problem due to outdated app. another issue arise Can’t React To Messages With Emojis On Instagram can be solved by reading that artilce.

Low Phone Storage
The Most common issue which cause Instagram scrolling problem is Low Phone storage. The Phone doesn’t have much space to download reels and stories hence cause can’t scroll reels Instagram. why can’t I scroll on Instagram reels is the much asked question. The answer is here that you don’t have enough storage.

Older & Underpowered Devices
if you are using older devices which have low Ram, Storage and processor than scrolling on Instagram is struck because the app is not compatible with your device. new Instagram scroll works very fine and smooth with new phone devices.
Get Back to Scrolling: Solutions for Instagram Scroll Issues
as discussed earlier that what are the main causes of Instagram scroll issues. Now How you can resolve that issues
Fix Internet Connection
You have to check your Data Connection and Wi-Fi that they are working fine or Not. open Your browser and open some websites to check your internet connection. If internet is working fine than restart your Instagram app and check again. This may resolve your issue. if your internet is not working than you have to call or register a complaint to your internet service provider.
If your internet is working fine and only social apps are not working and Instagram scrolling issue is still torturing you, Than you have to use VPN which is available free of cost on Google Play.

You can easily download and connect VPN. So Your Internet connection will work without any hassle. After connecting to VPN. You can scroll Instagram seamlessly.
Restart & Update Your Phone
Some time Glitches and bugs are there which cause hindrance in the scrolling of Instagram. Instagram Scrolling Problems will be solve after you restart your app. because many bugs and glitches will be remove after you restart your phone.

moreover operating system of your phone must be updated to ensure bugs and glitches free experience.
Remove Clone/Dual Apps
sometimes dual apps may cause that issue. Removing clone and dual apps may also solve the issue of scrolling. Instagram scrolling post issues will also resolved when you remove duplicate and clone apps.
Update the Instagram App
If You are using the old version of Instagram app than you may face issue of Instagram scroll issues. You must install the latest version of the Instagram app from Play store and keep the app updated.
Latest version of the app provide you better user experience.

Clean up Devices Storage
The device must be cleaned to free up storage space for other apps. Low phone storage won’t allow you to scroll down the Instagram app.
To clean up your storage, first, go to the file manager and click on ‘Clean Up Storage.’ In different devices, this feature might have different names. Remove unnecessary files to make space for new content.
Closing Remarks
As you all know that Instagram is a most popular social media platform and many user love to scroll Instagram in their Free time. But if the Problem of scrolling is persisting many user get frustrated. In this article we first discuss the root cause analysis that how the problem evolve. Then we discuss different possible solution. You have to check all the fixing Solutions one by one to resolve the issue. Hope This will resolve the issue but unfortunately if the problem persist feel free to contact us through Email.
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